Monday, March 16, 2015

#STITCHESWest photo recap

I spend most of my time in the Market place during Stitches. Most of these pictures are from my recent acquisition of an iPad. There were just a couple of pictures on my cell phone I can't post here.
Judy is my booth buddy. I probably spend the most time at the Stitches Events with her. She has always treated me kindly, never made me feel small and laughs at my silly jokes. She makes the days go by joyfully.

Here she is wearing the Chelsea's Cowl, one of a set of four that were modeled in the Student Fashion Show by FOUR of the ladies I work with.

Some how, the magic ladies of A Darn Good Yarn got a fun cut-out image of Benjamin Levisay. They had a contest for the most fun selfies posted with him. I miss the time I spent with Benjamin on the Fiber Hooligan podcast. I miss his laugh, most.

Marly Bird and Stephen West. Marly is tall, I think Stephen must have been wearing stilts!

Kismet Andrews of Bar-maids and Marly Bird, the first opportunity they had to meet in person was on the market floor. Bar-maids is a new sponsor of the Yarn Thing Podcast with Marly Bird. 

Wilhelmine Peers designed the piece on the cover of the most recent issue of Knitter's Magazine.
The next bunch of pictures are from the Pajama Party. This event has a great turn-out, as it starts at 10pm, AFTER the fashion show and banquet. They are a bunch of troopers, but also know fun!

Pam Haschke posed with Sharks fans, in her Shark hat. Pam is president of Halos of Hope, little more about that later...
Lindsey Martin, of Erin Lane Bags, is also a brand-new sponsor of the Yarn Thing podcast. The two of them together have moves and a huge spirit of fun, you'll only see at the party, so don't miss out on the opportunity when you have it! 

There's always cool prizes to be one at the Pajama Party!

Me and Marly. 
We were ALL singing 'YMCA', because THAT'S how we Pajama Party. 
Star Trek! 

Thing 1 and Thing 2, read a knitting poem in the style of Dr. Suess to Judge Stephen West:
Would you knit in a car? Would you knit in a bar? Why, yes, Sam I am.

Stephen's fan, came with a fan.

Stephen sang the Batman theme song, 'Nananananannanananana BATMAN!'

The winner of the contest wore knitted pantaloons.

Second runner up, wore Minnie Mouse ears and a Stephen West design shawl.
Footwear contest, judged by Lorna Misner. She had her work cut out for her.

The market is OPEN!

Anne Berk and I had coffee before the festivities began one morning.
She's way too perky or I haven't had enough coffee yet!

Gwen Bortner author of Entree to Entrelac

Betsy Hershberg, author of Besty's Beads was named Halos of Hope, Woman of the Year.

Kyle Kunnecke (aka Kyle William) I think has become a knitsib
(to borrow the term from Brenda Dayne), this was the first time we met. 

Patty proudly had to show her prizes to me! Marly Bird's pattern of
Outlander inspiration and the Bijou Basin Ranch Yarn to go with!

She knit the scarf from the recent Knitter's Magazine, which I think was an beautiful version!

Deborah Jarchow teaches WEAVING! 
Ginger Luters is also an author, of Module Magic

I think this is my favorite picture of the whole event. Anna Zilboorg is AMAZING, and as much as I overuse that word, there is no other to discribe her. I got to spend PRECIOUS time with her, she was in the booth for a book signing and (maybe because we'd sold out of her Splendid Apparel book two days before) no body showed up. So, I was blessed to VISIT with her and her daughter. She's a cheerful soul and seeing that smile make her giggle replay in my head. What a gift!

Adam Hurst writes and plays beautiful music in the Portland airport (where I've met him now, twice) to soothe the savage traveler. He's using his gypsy cello today, notice the carved head where the typical scroll would be.

I met Portlandia in the airport. In this form, she is part of a giant wood carved cuckoo clock that was commissioned by the visitors bureau to tour the Pacific Northwest. I wondered if Portlandia and Medusa would get along but she declined my fries on the grounds that they would ruin her Amazonian figure, It was not for me to argue with her. Besides, Generally, she's a difficult woman to chat with, as she has been cast in bronze and resides on a building where she's best seen in winter when the trees below her can't interfere in the chat. 

The skirt is part of my stash enhancements, from Darn Good Yarn who traveled to California from the EAST coast. There's lots more, but the other photos won't load.

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