(This is the current project, by the way, nearly half done by game time.)
This was some unique artwork as we enterred the stadium. Made of license plates and bottle caps ~ excellent use of recycled materials!
At the Seattle Mariner's Stitch & Pitch they brought in Nicky Epstein, who is a well-known author of books both knitting and crochet to throw out the first pitch. Here's her website:
and here is her Goodreads profile if you'd like to learn about all the books she's written.
I learned she can throw a ball moderately well, with style and grace...
She was available for book signing and I brought my copy of the most fun knitting book (in my opinion) for her to do so. She thought my pink Sharpie very appropriate, and let me take a picture with her.
PS: If you looked at her list of books, her baseball glove having been embellished should be no surprise...
The brown knitted piece there is a sample from a book she is currently promoting, Knitting Block by Block.