Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Wouldn't you like to know JJ Foster?
Did I ever tell you about JJ?
This is a photo taken by Steve Malcolm of www.ittakesballstoknit.com I hope he will forgive me for copying it off of his blog. That's me on the right knitting the pink, JJ is knitting green and that's one of her three boys on the left. We were in Seattle for the Mariner's Stitch & Pitch in July. I've posted about it before.
I think it was about this time of year that I met her, she and her mom had a shop for crafting that hadn't been open very long before I wandered in there with Superman on our day off to find out what night, if any, was knit night. I've posted about the shop before. (http://knittwhisperer.blogspot.com/2011/03/work-space.html) I loved it.
At that time, we were miserably underpaid. We were working for a company that employed both of us, my husband and I, but he was only paid to work an hour a day and never received a raise. I tell you this because it broke my heart not to be able to support their shop more than I did.
JJ is wonderful at making people feel welcome (she used to work for the resort at Disneyland so I think that was a skill she will always have) and the shop wasn't about selling foreign-made virgin crafting materials. The found great materials and recycled them for sale, and taught others to do it, too. To be that creative is some kind of ingeniousness most craft stores don't have. And never will. The other thing that she is great at is social media. She knew how to use it to her business' advantage. Also, she supported other businesses she came in contact with doing the same things she was doing for her shop.
She became involved with the other shop owners in organizing the local Yarn Crawl right from the start. The next spring after I'd wandered in there, she posted something on her shops page of Facebook, asking for someone to knit for the shop (she was going to Madrona and won't have time) that was required for the Crawl. I said I would and waited for the details. That became the first piece I designed AND wrote the pattern to be sold.
The second and last Sock Summit happened that summer, she was there for most of the event. I ran into here there on the Sunday of the event, having gotten separated from the others I went with and she ... well, I got a case of nerves and couldn't make myself walk up to Benjamin Levisay of XRX books. She cattle prodded me over there, and took our picture with our cameras for us. Benjamin wasn't what I expected, very kind and correctly identified the sweater I was wearing, which was from Knitter's Magazine, published by XRX. That acquaintance as become an even dearer relationship than I would have ever thought (see the post just prior to this one).
She asked me to design for shop in the Yarn Crawl again the next year, even though I didn't live in the area any more. And the next year. I flew there for the event, this was last February.
By this time, JJ was struggling. Her mom no longer wanted to participate in the shop, and without her, the shop would have to close. It did in June. I cried for days after she called to tell me. She didn't have to call me, that was a huge kindness on her part. I'm sure it was hard for her to do. Supporting everyone else's grief over the shop's closing must have been a huge burden and I hope she knew she and her efforts make her beloved.
In spite of the shops just closing, when it came time for the Mariners game, she would not tell me no, she wouldn't go. She picked me up at the airport in Portland, and we drove to Seattle. Walked all over downtown, and went to the game. It was hard for her, financially, but I think she felt committed to her boys to take them, and to me, too. It was the first time I met Steve Malcolm, who has another knitting program I will be assisting on...
She has got to be struggling even though she'll never say a word. She helped out at the Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival, and she's taking vintage buttons that she finds, putting them on display cards and offering them to all the fiber shops she can get to. Some of her buttons appeared in a picture that Franklin Habit posted a picture of (I can't find it now, but it happened about September 6th)! That's all exciting, but I worry about her and her rent. She has some irons in the fire and I pray, or put a wishes out into the universe, or hope good Karma flows heavy toward her that things happen that are as good for her as she's been to me.
But mostly, I want to say, Thank You, JJ Foster. Whatever Chances you take I know are opportunities for the sun to shine on you as you have shined on me and been there for my benefit, and I will support whatever you hope to do, to the best of my ability.
(You can use this as a recommendation letter if you want. Any future employer can know we are not best friends, I will need your home address to mail you anything, you don't know my birthdate, we don't know each other middle names.... and I had to bribe your dog with cookies so that I could scratch his ears. With love, from ~t)
Monday, October 21, 2013
So very honored!
This morning was my debut on Fiber Hooligans. It's an online podcast hosted by Benjamin Levisay, CEO of XRX books and also the Stitches events (the next one is Stitches East in Hartford, Conneticut). The guest was Steve Malcolm of www.ittakesballstoknit.com.
I hope you can go there now to listen to the archived episode, I thought it was pretty great before I got on the phone! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/fiberhooligan/2013/10/21/steve-malcolm
Friday, October 18, 2013
The intention of this post is to show how I use it and what I look for. Please keep that in mind if this sounds in your ears of a tangent. It is a gift and something I wish those that participated in could appreciate and use more.
Ravelry is a wonderful example of 'Crowd Sourcing' which has been a term used in TED talks and all kinds of blogs about everything. What it is describing are projects, like websites but lots of other community-based efforts, that are put together based on the simplest of ideas and invitations to contribute are sent out as far as can be spread, in some cases world-wide. Very few people are paid employees of the projects, yet contributors may be well-known names or nobody anybody has ever heard of, and it is what they contribute that makes the success of the project. In the case of Ravelry, it is the shear wealth of information about anything fiber related that has made it as truly awesome as it is and guarantees it's continued success.
I LOVE Ravelry. I'm in that website more than my own e-mail. Actually, as I have two e-mail accounts, one for just junk, so I can safely say, I'm in Ravelry more that BOTH of my e-mail accounts. I could probably toss in Twitter into that mix, but I don't want to ignite a #hashtag riot, so let's not.
Here's what I do with it: First thing in the morning, I log in. Yes, before checking my e-mail, because I'm hoping to see what's new in fiber-land today. I look first to see if there are any personal messages for me, usually not, but it's sweet when there is one and makes me feel like a child who's waited for something in the mail with his name on it. I see what's on the front page, which lately has been awesome because the last few weeks the Ravelry crew has made a point of changing the message on that front page whether it's a new post about features you can use or what is giving them the fiber-tickles! For instance, there was a post recently that shared mother/child sweater sets and family sets, which were admittedly pretty awesome, and clearly points out knitters who have nothing better to do than torture those under their own roof. My kind of people.
I then click on the forum tabs to see if anyone has posted in the groups I monitor. Sometimes there's a message for me there, as a response to something I'd posted already, and requires or desires my response. { Personal note: I'm learning to discern when I don't have to have the last word, which is a personal growth goal that I'm proud of. } Sometimes just scrolling through the forums is reminding me when there's new blogposts or podcast episodes that I'm following. Most of the fiber events I'm aware of are listed in the forums as well. I follow a few designers and new designs show up there or if there are discounts being offered, or Knit-A-Longs (abbreviated KAL) and the same with crochet (CAL) and spinning (SAL), all comes up there.
After checking out the forums, I can check what my 'friends' are doing. I put quotes on there because these are fiber people I mostly don't know and have never met. Is that strange? I hope not, when you see why. Most of the fibery people in my friends list on Ravelry are designers or other crafters who are a voice somewhere in the fiber world. Stephanie Pearl-McPhee is in there, Franklin Habit, Norah Gaughan, Veronica Van (of Dream in Color Yarns), Kathy Ellis (of WEBS), Meg Swansen, the ladies of 2 Knit Lit Chicks podcast, Knotty Girls podcast, Heather Ordover of Craftlit..... My list isn't very long, but what's cool about this part of Ravelry is that everytime one of this folks post, comment or like something on Ravelry, I get to see it by clicking the Activity tab. Everytime they post something on their blog (and a lot of these folks who have podcasts are smart enough to make a blogpost that there's a new episode) I see that, too, without having to wait for the share on Twitter or Facebook, by clicking the next tab marked Friend's Blogs. I LOVE THAT PAGE!
Now, my closer crafter folk, I can almost just as easily keep up on what they are working on by going to the groups we are mutually interested in. For instance, many of them I have hung out with in a Local Yarn Store (abreviated LYS). It's pretty super cool to be able to go to that group and right at the front page, see what topics are currently being discussed, what is being stashed there, and recently shared projects. I have a little more concern to mention about that later. Ravelry is a tool that a fiber person can use to promote their business and those of us that love and wish to support those business in ways BEYOND the money spent there should be cognizant of and pay attention to how they can do so.
I will come back to Ravelry throughout the day to look at the same things or find new stuff, like patterns or yarns or tools, not just shopping for these things but finding out how each of these things worked out for others who've used them.
The next thing I do is check my personal pages. I look and see if there's been any activity on my own designs. This is a new thing to me and it's has been both depressing and exhilarating but it always keeps me aware. I started posting designs just a short time ago in Ravelry. I can go to the page of my designs and see how many times each one has been 'favorited' and 'queued' which means liked and planned for future projects. I can go from there to my Pro Account and see which of my designs have been purchased.
The thing I wish is that those that click 'favorite' or 'queued' or have purchased the pattern were those that are vocal in what they do on Ravelry. Many folks never post new projects or yarns, or comment in forums. It surprises me to itty-bitty pieces when I run across a Ravelry user who has been a member for long years (I've been there since 2008 but find a lot folks who've been there longer), who have never shared more than their screen name there (automatically their profile shows what country the live in and when they became a member) they have liked and listed lots of things, and have not had something to comment about anything. Three million plus members on this wonderful website and somehow I continually find folks that don't wish to share their love of fiber craft.
I'm sure there are lots of other designers who feel the same way when they are starting out, but it's the Local Yarn Store owners I feel the most pity for, as they work so hard to advertise, gather a support network, host events like trunk shows, classes and knit groups, only to check their profiles on this great website and see that their customers couldn't bother to post their wonderful purchases on the website and say where it was they purchased it, even though they immediately cast on the new project the minute they got home and had to share their excitement over that! Wanna see what your shop has offered? Check out their page on Ravelry. You should be able to see every skein of yarn every member of Ravelry has ever purchased at that store, but often I find that there are very few stash photos or yarns listed has having been purchased there. That has to be incredibly depressing for a store owner to see.
There are some who share everything they are currently working on with EVERY group they are part of, which can be innocently clicking them all regardless (I am aware of this because of monitoring a couple of specific groups, which are not shops but there are stash and project photos posted there which have VERY LITTLE if anything to do with those groups), but if you're in a shop's group that is struggling (as I'm sure is common these days) posting stash photos of something you purchased elsewhere isn't helping that shop! Of course, as with my 'Friendslist' you can see what the activity is of the members with another click of a tab, but it's not right there on the front page for the LYS group, and I'm thinking a lot of folks don't look at that tab. I know that I do to keep up with those in my local acquaintance, but can't imagine that most do.
I used to get frustrated with the profile pictures. Everyone uses a screen name, so when you show up to a gathering you don't know that the person you're walking past is someone you've been paying attention to on Ravelry. I used to beg people at knit night to post profile pictures so I could get to know them by name and recognize them when I got to see them. I am so tickled that I can put a name to a face!
What I've come to realize is this is a great source for WHAT IS CONTRIBUTED and not for what's not there. I appreciate what I can find there, and what I can find in the face-to-face reality and love everything I can learn about my favorite subject.
What I can't learn, I may not ever need.
PS. If you're on Ravelry, my username is wearingpurple
Ravelry is a wonderful example of 'Crowd Sourcing' which has been a term used in TED talks and all kinds of blogs about everything. What it is describing are projects, like websites but lots of other community-based efforts, that are put together based on the simplest of ideas and invitations to contribute are sent out as far as can be spread, in some cases world-wide. Very few people are paid employees of the projects, yet contributors may be well-known names or nobody anybody has ever heard of, and it is what they contribute that makes the success of the project. In the case of Ravelry, it is the shear wealth of information about anything fiber related that has made it as truly awesome as it is and guarantees it's continued success.
I LOVE Ravelry. I'm in that website more than my own e-mail. Actually, as I have two e-mail accounts, one for just junk, so I can safely say, I'm in Ravelry more that BOTH of my e-mail accounts. I could probably toss in Twitter into that mix, but I don't want to ignite a #hashtag riot, so let's not.
Here's what I do with it: First thing in the morning, I log in. Yes, before checking my e-mail, because I'm hoping to see what's new in fiber-land today. I look first to see if there are any personal messages for me, usually not, but it's sweet when there is one and makes me feel like a child who's waited for something in the mail with his name on it. I see what's on the front page, which lately has been awesome because the last few weeks the Ravelry crew has made a point of changing the message on that front page whether it's a new post about features you can use or what is giving them the fiber-tickles! For instance, there was a post recently that shared mother/child sweater sets and family sets, which were admittedly pretty awesome, and clearly points out knitters who have nothing better to do than torture those under their own roof. My kind of people.
I then click on the forum tabs to see if anyone has posted in the groups I monitor. Sometimes there's a message for me there, as a response to something I'd posted already, and requires or desires my response. { Personal note: I'm learning to discern when I don't have to have the last word, which is a personal growth goal that I'm proud of. } Sometimes just scrolling through the forums is reminding me when there's new blogposts or podcast episodes that I'm following. Most of the fiber events I'm aware of are listed in the forums as well. I follow a few designers and new designs show up there or if there are discounts being offered, or Knit-A-Longs (abbreviated KAL) and the same with crochet (CAL) and spinning (SAL), all comes up there.
After checking out the forums, I can check what my 'friends' are doing. I put quotes on there because these are fiber people I mostly don't know and have never met. Is that strange? I hope not, when you see why. Most of the fibery people in my friends list on Ravelry are designers or other crafters who are a voice somewhere in the fiber world. Stephanie Pearl-McPhee is in there, Franklin Habit, Norah Gaughan, Veronica Van (of Dream in Color Yarns), Kathy Ellis (of WEBS), Meg Swansen, the ladies of 2 Knit Lit Chicks podcast, Knotty Girls podcast, Heather Ordover of Craftlit..... My list isn't very long, but what's cool about this part of Ravelry is that everytime one of this folks post, comment or like something on Ravelry, I get to see it by clicking the Activity tab. Everytime they post something on their blog (and a lot of these folks who have podcasts are smart enough to make a blogpost that there's a new episode) I see that, too, without having to wait for the share on Twitter or Facebook, by clicking the next tab marked Friend's Blogs. I LOVE THAT PAGE!
Now, my closer crafter folk, I can almost just as easily keep up on what they are working on by going to the groups we are mutually interested in. For instance, many of them I have hung out with in a Local Yarn Store (abreviated LYS). It's pretty super cool to be able to go to that group and right at the front page, see what topics are currently being discussed, what is being stashed there, and recently shared projects. I have a little more concern to mention about that later. Ravelry is a tool that a fiber person can use to promote their business and those of us that love and wish to support those business in ways BEYOND the money spent there should be cognizant of and pay attention to how they can do so.
I will come back to Ravelry throughout the day to look at the same things or find new stuff, like patterns or yarns or tools, not just shopping for these things but finding out how each of these things worked out for others who've used them.
The next thing I do is check my personal pages. I look and see if there's been any activity on my own designs. This is a new thing to me and it's has been both depressing and exhilarating but it always keeps me aware. I started posting designs just a short time ago in Ravelry. I can go to the page of my designs and see how many times each one has been 'favorited' and 'queued' which means liked and planned for future projects. I can go from there to my Pro Account and see which of my designs have been purchased.
The thing I wish is that those that click 'favorite' or 'queued' or have purchased the pattern were those that are vocal in what they do on Ravelry. Many folks never post new projects or yarns, or comment in forums. It surprises me to itty-bitty pieces when I run across a Ravelry user who has been a member for long years (I've been there since 2008 but find a lot folks who've been there longer), who have never shared more than their screen name there (automatically their profile shows what country the live in and when they became a member) they have liked and listed lots of things, and have not had something to comment about anything. Three million plus members on this wonderful website and somehow I continually find folks that don't wish to share their love of fiber craft.
I'm sure there are lots of other designers who feel the same way when they are starting out, but it's the Local Yarn Store owners I feel the most pity for, as they work so hard to advertise, gather a support network, host events like trunk shows, classes and knit groups, only to check their profiles on this great website and see that their customers couldn't bother to post their wonderful purchases on the website and say where it was they purchased it, even though they immediately cast on the new project the minute they got home and had to share their excitement over that! Wanna see what your shop has offered? Check out their page on Ravelry. You should be able to see every skein of yarn every member of Ravelry has ever purchased at that store, but often I find that there are very few stash photos or yarns listed has having been purchased there. That has to be incredibly depressing for a store owner to see.
There are some who share everything they are currently working on with EVERY group they are part of, which can be innocently clicking them all regardless (I am aware of this because of monitoring a couple of specific groups, which are not shops but there are stash and project photos posted there which have VERY LITTLE if anything to do with those groups), but if you're in a shop's group that is struggling (as I'm sure is common these days) posting stash photos of something you purchased elsewhere isn't helping that shop! Of course, as with my 'Friendslist' you can see what the activity is of the members with another click of a tab, but it's not right there on the front page for the LYS group, and I'm thinking a lot of folks don't look at that tab. I know that I do to keep up with those in my local acquaintance, but can't imagine that most do.
I used to get frustrated with the profile pictures. Everyone uses a screen name, so when you show up to a gathering you don't know that the person you're walking past is someone you've been paying attention to on Ravelry. I used to beg people at knit night to post profile pictures so I could get to know them by name and recognize them when I got to see them. I am so tickled that I can put a name to a face!
What I've come to realize is this is a great source for WHAT IS CONTRIBUTED and not for what's not there. I appreciate what I can find there, and what I can find in the face-to-face reality and love everything I can learn about my favorite subject.
What I can't learn, I may not ever need.
PS. If you're on Ravelry, my username is wearingpurple
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Knitkabob, Union, Oregon, October 1st.
My thought when I took this was: I want to remember that sky and this dry road a couple of months from now. The thoughts of my passengers: OH, HELP! She's taking pictures while she's driving....! |
Um, we saw snow..... those mountains are above Baker City, still about 1/2 hour before we get to Knitkabob. |
Like stepping into a wayback machine, there's a Rexall Drug store across the street. |
We purchased lunch from this counter, inside the drug store. Our sandwiches were made with homemade bread. |
Pretty store front, but wait! |
![]() |
Notice that beside the door on both sides, are knitting needles. Maggie said her husband made them. I think he deserves a gold star, they are beautiful! Please find Knitkabob on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Knitkabob/125972087477794?ref=br_tf and let Maggie know you found her! Support the happy yarn stores! |
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