It is totally coincidental that it's purple. That is my story and I'm sticking to it.
The article in the magazine accompanied two sets of patterns, hat and scarf sets, and the next issue featured a couple of cowls.
Silly me, I tried to knit with it.
I got out the largest of my circulars, swatched and started a top-down raglan. Two things made me stop. First, I was using a size 13, which was obviously still too small a needle -- it was too tight and stiff, as in could have stood itself in a closet without the hanger. Secondly, the quantity of the fiber that I was using would have accomplished a short jacket. Short stiff jackets don't particularly appeal to me.
So, it went into hibernation for a bit.
Now let me explain about this process of making the cord. It's similar to spinning and creating a strand, but, in contrast, a spinner gets to sit. You COULD sit, but you don't have the drop from raised hands to lap to make any length. So, beginning by standing: I seem to be more comfortable standing at the end of my kitchen counter, my spool on my left, the knit-mill held in my left hand with the incoming thread held loosely in that hand. The strand goes in at the top, loosely thread and a bit of fiddling, cranking slowly to get it started with my right hand. I did see a post of someone using an electric drill to crank VERY QUICKLY... I can't see that this would work with this particular model.
Once it's on its way, there's a weighted clip, like a heavy clothes-pin that pulls the cord through the machine which helps make a smoothly stitched cord. Cranking for 10 minutes or so (I think that's probably slower than my moderate pace) the cord will reach the floor, the whole time spinning clockwise, which is the reason I stand. If just left to sit on the floor and NOT free-swinging, it just twists up on itself.
So, for me, it's a process of crank for a few minutes till the weight hits the floor, wind the i-cord into a ball, as near the knitting-mill as can be tolerated, fasten so it doesn't unroll (I used a large cable needle to slip under the cords in the ball), clip the weight on it which is absolutely necessary until the ball is of a weight that it will free swing with enough tension to pull the cord smooth while cranking.
I do think it pretty cool that the cord ends can be kitchener'd together rather than knotted (I hate knotting anywhere, of any kind, and try to do without it as much as possible). I cannot imagine trying to weave in these ends...
After 'sitting in time-out' for a long while, OK, YEARS, I got to thinking about it and thought, is size 13 really the largest needles I own? Having recently started organizing the one end of the unused second bedroom, I remember seeing a couple of what I would have thought of in the 70's as Broomstick needles. I got them out from their separate locations ~ they recognized each other as kindred spirits immediately, and after cleaning with a soft cloth said they were ready to go! Their little red caps at the ends announced them as size 32.
Let me admit, when I got that stiff jacket out and frogged it (or ripped it out) I had considered using the i-cord as arm-knitting. I tried several times over a couple of days, but either it is too fine for that, or still not the right texture, it became uncomfortable to use as it gets hot under those stitches. Also, until you bind off, you cannot put your knitting down. I tried to chase a dog-gone-psycho which was one of those failed attempts... Of course I was trying to do about three to four times the recommended number of stitches, so my being uphappy with it may have had little to do with the success others have with Arm Knitting. The size 32 needles just fell right into place, the stitches slipped on and off nicely. By the way, I get a gauge of about 7, yep, SEVEN stitches to four inches in a row. The fabric has a lofty, feather-light and airy feel about it.
So casting on 75 stitches has created a fabric about 48 inches wide. I'm going to knit till I run out of this thread, or just before and perhaps border it with i-cord i-cord. Yes, that was redundant, but if it's an i-cord border knit of i-cord, what would you call it?
Let me say there are some drawbacks. I don't believe the construction of this little machine was meant for such big projects. Being plastic, I wore a grove in the protective cylinder where the thread goes through. It may have been designed to only create enough cord to make French closures or Frog closures. I'm not a fan of tiny, fiddly projects so you may be able to understand why I went where I did. You may notice the clear cylinder of my machine is dusty, which is not actually dust but fiber from the thread off the cone. It has kind of a cotton feel, as if it was originally intended for weaving. I've wiped it out the best I can, but it requires a cotton swab which didn't really help much. I'm also pretty sure if I do a second project with it, I will have to figure out how to oil it without greasing whatever fiber I put through there. I would like to find perhaps a vintage knitting mill as I saw when I Googled the machine originally, perhaps that may prove a little more long lasting.
Now, I've come to the end of my post (I may come back if I can create a video of how the cording process works for me and a finished picture of the project) and you are asking 'Why call this post Knitted Cheerios?' Take a good look at the next picture.... What do those finished stitches remind you of? Do they NOT remind you of the texture of your morning cereal?
And what will become of this project once it's finished? If there is nothing more worthy of this project, I think it will make a perfect Linus Blanket. I'm not sure if they will accept it as they don't want things loopy or loosely knit. I don't think of it as loose, but they may find it so, and I may end up bringing it home again.
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